+62 858 1000 9920 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

The following Privacy Policy explains how HostBadak (which in this document is also referred to as "we") collects, uses and shares personal information from service users (which in this document is also referred to as "you" or "customer") related with the use of websites, services and applications that are owned and operated directly by HostBadak. This policy does not apply to information collected or processed by our service users while using our services.

Information We Collect

HostBadak receives and collects personal information from service users in various ways, including a service registration form where users will be asked to provide personal information including name, company or organization name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. In time of a service user or prospective service user visits our website and/or fills out the service registration form, we will also record the IP address used to access the website and/or the form in question.

We also record information in the form of IP addresses, operating systems, web browsers, and other technical aspects when service users or prospective service users contact us via the online conversation (chat) feature.

In addition, HostBadak can also collect information from programs that involve interaction with service users where service users can voluntarily join the program and provide the information needed. Service users are not forced to participate in the intended programs and can choose not to participate if they do not wish.

Use of Information We Collect

HostBadak uses collected personal information for certain purposes, including:

  • Provide, operate and maintain the continuity of our services.
  • Improve, customize and develop our services.
  • Analyze and understand how users of our services use our services.
  • Develop new products, services, features and functionality.
  • Communicating with users of our services, including providing technical and non-technical support to users, providing the latest information regarding our services, marketing and promotions.
  • Process transactions of our service users.
  • Discover and prevent fraudulent transactions.
How We Share Information

HostBadak can share the information that has been collected in various ways, including those described in the following points:

  1. Seller or Service Provider. We provide some of our service user information to be able to use services provided by third parties who provide services on our behalf. An example of this is a provider of bulk email sending services for notification, marketing, promotional or other notification purposes.
  2. Transfer Bisnis. Informasi pengguna layanan juga dapat diungkap pada saat terjadi penjualan salah satu unit bisnis atau keseluruhan operasi bisnis yang dimiliki oleh HostBadak kepada pihak yang melakukan akuisisi, atau pihak yang meneruskan operasi bisnis HostBadak, atau pihak lain yang ditunjuk untuk meneruskan atau memimpin operasional HostBadak pada saat terjadi penggabungan (merger) bisnis.
  3. Atas Permintaan Hukum. Informasi pengguna layanan juga dapat diungkap pada saat diminta oleh perangkat hukum yang menjalankan prosedur penegakan hukum.
Pemeliharaan & Keamanan Informasi

HostBadak berkomitmen penuh untuk melindungi informasi-informasi pribadi milik pengguna layanan. Untuk dapat menjalankan komitmen tersebut, HostBadak telah menerapkan serangkaian teknologi-teknologi dan tindakan-tindakan yang dirancang untuk melindungi informasi-informasi milik pengguna layanan dari akses, penggunaan atau pengungkapan yang tidak sah. Namun harap dipahami bahwa tidak ada layanan atau sistem yang aman secara sempurna. Di satu sisi kami berusaha sebaik yang kami bisa melakukannya, kami tetap tidak mungkin memastikan secara mutlak bahwa tidak akan ada usaha peretasan, kebocoran sistem, atau akses tidak sah yang menjadi sebab tersebarnya informasi-informasi pribadi milik pengguna layanan kami.

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